By James Kokulo Fasuekoi | The AfricaPaper
New Hope, MN – Two law firms in the Northwest Metropolitan area of Minneapolis, Minn., have agreed to merge. The Transatlantic Law Firm, PLLC, of New Hope and Antolak Law Office located in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. The merger was announced in a press release dated July 1, 2015. Financial terms of the merger weren’t announced immediately.
Antolak & Ongeri

According to the release signed by both Attorneys at Law Henry M. Ongeri and Steven E. Antolak, on behalf of their respective law firms, the new firm named ANTOLAK & ONGERI, will be officially launched this weekend, July 18, at 5p.m in Brooklyn Park, Minn.
ANTOLAK & ONGERI “draws on the synergy and breadth of legal experience of the principal partners” and maintained, “Effective July 1, 2015, [the] two law firms will combine forces to better serve their fast-growing and changing client demographic base,” the release stated.
The main focus for ANTOLAK & ONGERI under the merger plan includes the provision of client-centered services in Immigration Law (family, sports and business), Family law, Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning, International Business, Intellectual Property, as well as Litigation, said the release.
The new firm will also handle tax controversies before taxing authorities in its areas of jurisdiction. “The new brand will remain committed to the legal needs of first and second generation immigrant families and businesses,” the release stated.

The release noted that Antolak has practiced law since 1986, and has since managed law firms of various sizes for over 30 years. He now serves as Chief Operating Manager for ANTOLAK & ONGERI, thereby overseeing the new firm’s ambitious growth plan, develop programs and services, using cutting-edge technology while maintaining that personal touch which has characterized the parent firms over the years.
Accordingly, Ongeri who has practiced law for nearly 20 years and licensed by the States of Minnesota, New York, and the High Court of Kenya, is now ANTOLAK & ONGERI Law firm’s new Chief Executive Manager.
“In addition to continuing to serve its core base of immigrant families and businesses, Antolak & Ongeri will seek to become the go-to law firm from small to medium- size enterprises in the United States, Europe and Africa,” said Henry Ongeri in the released statement.
The release further maintained that prior to the merger, both law firms performed legal works at an international level; that the pair can boast of nearly five decades of experience in legal matters spanning practice areas, multiple jurisdictions and continent wise.
ANTOLAK & ONGERI Law firm described Nairobi, Kenya, and Crakow, Poland, as places it consider “critical hubs of growth for the firm” and said there are plans underway to boost the capacity of the new law firm’s offices in those cities. TAP
Note: Details pertaining to the launching are available at the firm’s website, and its Facebook page. More information can also be obtained by calling: +1 952-544-1039.